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About: Zinc protected steel is renowned for its incredible lifespan, sometimes lasting hundreds of years before the coating needs to be reapplied. The same applies to galvanized wire. Although it can sometimes be harder to come by (since not all manufacturers are equipped to undertake the galvanizing process) and by extension slightly more expensive, galvanized wire pays for itself over time. Its tough exterior equates to a dramatically increased lifespan, so you’ll only have to replace it rarely, if ever.

#3 Scratch resistant

Wire is often exposed to all kinds of rough environments that can lead to scratches, damage and even breakages. Engineers across multiple sectors opt for galvanized wire because of its sheer robustness and ability to withstand all the rigors of long-term use. For example, 10 gauge galvanized wire is exceptionally durable and damage resistant. Depending on how you plan to use the wire, it can save both time and money. It limits breakages, lowers repair costs and means that you won't have to spend extensively on replacement wire.

#4 Lowers inspection cost

Galvanized steel of any kind saves on inspection and often maintenance costs, too. Since the wire is so well protected and robust, it doesn't need the same kind of arduous installation process (not to mention extensive checks) associated with other types of wire. It doesn't require any additional protection (like paints or sprays) or any surface preparation. Galvanized wire is highly economical, both in terms of longevity and decreased maintenance.

There are also other kinds of wires such as PVC Coated Wire and Black Annealed Wire, and other products made by wire like Wire Mesh(Hexagonal Wire Mesh and Welded Wire Mesh). Remember for the wire or wire mesh, it is necessary to equip a Field Fence like Euro Fence and Chain Link Fence.

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